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Utiba (1271.35 pp)

# Map name Mods Miss Combo PP
1 Brain Power [ForCTB NO DASH!] +HT 0 1729/1729x 660.17pp
2 Various BGM 2 [Ancient Move] +None 4 2238/3494x 523.41pp
3 Broken Hearts [Hope] +NF 51 83/404x 47.13pp
4 Virtue and Vice (TV Size) [Daletto & Dalleto's Cup] +DT 4 150/340x 21.54pp
5 Grayed Out -Antifront- [Cup] +DT 7 113/312x 12.45pp
6 I wanna be a girl [Collab Cup] +DT 12 169/580x 12.22pp
7 Magnolia (feat. Guriri) [ZiRoX's Cup] +DT 10 122/344x 11.38pp
8 Pompen [Dilo's Cup] +DT 4 27/79x 9.90pp
9 Hot N Cold [In N Out] +HT 35 37/356x 8.69pp
10 Extra Stage (Octopus Dance) [1] +None 2 158/187x 7.64pp
11 World's end [Wuxian's Platter] +None 42 102/808x 5.29pp
12 History Maker (TV Size) [ReFaller's Hard] +EZ 25 53/272x 3.50pp
13 Embraced by the Flame (English ver.) [Another] +None 12 13/66x 2.41pp
14 AiAe [Rhythm Game] +FL 194 508/1032x 1.85pp
15 World's end [Salad] +NF,DT 119 27/538x 0.07pp
16 adrenaline!!! [Laundry] +EZ,HT,FL 63 13/170x 0.05pp
17 Jackhammer Madness [Madness] +NF,EZ 283 456/1815x 0.04pp
18 Imaginary Places [Asrasz's Cup] +NF,HT 192 38/432x 0.00pp
19 Mayday (feat. Laura Brehm) [[2B] Calling Out Mayday] +EZ 609 79/1925x 0.00pp
20 promise [CS0 MADNESS] +NF,DT 460 7/661x 0.00pp
21 Tokiiro Serenade [Zemblanity] +NF,DT 417 4/551x 0.00pp
22 squartatrice [Xetopia's Platter] +NF,DT 537 5/736x 0.00pp
23 IZANA [Future] +NF,DT 760 5/993x 0.00pp
24 Wish upon Twin Stars [Madness] +NF,DT 794 12/1084x 0.00pp
25 PUPA [LARVA] +NF,DT 871 7/1207x 0.00pp
26 agony [Dika312's Rain] +NF,DT 952 4/1247x 0.00pp
27 perthed again (yambabom remix) [Nervous Breakdown] +NF,DT 986 5/1250x 0.00pp
28 Clarity feat. Foxes (IOSYS uno DENPA Remix) [dika312's Overdose] +NF,DT 989 5/1248x 0.00pp
29 SPUTNIK-3 [3-X] +NF,DT 1134 3/1382x 0.00pp
30 Yamanba Techno de Chanabekko [Bloody Mountain Murder] +NF,DT 1565 20/2096x 0.00pp
31 Extreme Ongaku School feat. Nanahira [School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] +NF,DT 1703 7/2101x 0.00pp
32 Ascension to Heaven [Spec] +NF,DT 2153 16/2691x 0.00pp
33 Space Invaders [[Start]] +NF,EZ 16570 49/21153x 0.00pp